event ButtonClick (Key as Variant)
Occurs when the user clicks one of the control's buttons.

Key as Variant A string expression that indicates the key of the button clicked.

The ButtonClick event notifies your application that the user clicks a button. The AddButton method adds a new button to the editor. Also, the ButtonClick event is fired when user clicks the drop down button of an editor of one of the following types: DropDown, DropDownList, CheckList, Date, Color, Font, Picture, PickEdit and Button . In this case, the Key parameter is an empty string.

Syntax for ButtonClick event, /NET version, on:

private void ButtonClick(object sender,object Key)

Private Sub ButtonClick(ByVal sender As System.Object,ByVal Key As Object) Handles ButtonClick
End Sub

Syntax for ButtonClick event, /COM version, on:

private void ButtonClick(object sender, AxEXEDITORSLib._IEditorEvents_ButtonClickEvent e)

void OnButtonClick(VARIANT Key)

void __fastcall ButtonClick(TObject *Sender,Variant Key)

procedure ButtonClick(ASender: TObject; Key : OleVariant);

procedure ButtonClick(sender: System.Object; e: AxEXEDITORSLib._IEditorEvents_ButtonClickEvent);

begin event ButtonClick(any Key)
end event ButtonClick

Private Sub ButtonClick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As AxEXEDITORSLib._IEditorEvents_ButtonClickEvent) Handles ButtonClick
End Sub

Private Sub ButtonClick(ByVal Key As Variant)
End Sub

Private Sub ButtonClick(ByVal Key As Variant)
End Sub


PROCEDURE OnButtonClick(oEditor,Key)

Syntax for ButtonClick event, /COM version (others), on:

<SCRIPT EVENT="ButtonClick(Key)" LANGUAGE="JScript">

Function ButtonClick(Key)
End Function

Procedure OnComButtonClick Variant llKey
	Forward Send OnComButtonClick llKey

METHOD OCX_ButtonClick(Key) CLASS MainDialog

void onEvent_ButtonClick(COMVariant _Key)

function ButtonClick as v (Key as A)
end function

function nativeObject_ButtonClick(Key)

The following sample displays the key of the button that user clicked:

Private Sub Editor1_ButtonClick(ByVal Key As Variant)
    Debug.Print "The user clicks the " & IIf(Key = "", "drop down", "'" & Key & "'") & " button"
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
    With Editor1
        .EditType = DropDownList
        .AddItem 1, "One"
        .AddItem 2, "Two"
        .AddButton "KeyA", 1
        .Value = 1
    End With
End Sub