constants EditTypeEnum
The control's EditType property defines the control's type. The Editor object supports the following types:

NoneType0 Provides a standard label control. The Value property defines the caption in the label.
EditType1 Provides a standard text edit control. The Value property specifies the caption for the edit control.
DropDownType2 Provides an intuitive way for users to select values from a list presented in a drop down window. Each item can display an icon and a caption. The DropDown allows custom strings as well. The DropDownType editor associates a standard text edit field too. Use the AddItem method to add new items in the control's predefined list. The editor displays the Value property.
DropDownListType3 Provides an intuitive interface for your users to select values from pre-defined lists presented in a drop-down window. The DropDownList editor doesn't associate a standard edit control. Use the AddItem method to add new items in the control's predefined list. The control displays the caption of the item that has the value equal with the Value property. If the control cannot find an item with specified value, nothing is displayed.
SpinType4 Allows your users to view and change numeric values using a up/down button. The Value property determines the caption being displayed in the edit control.
MemoType5 Provides a multiline edit control. The Value property provides the text inside a Memo editor.
CheckListType6 Provides an intuitive way to view and combine one or more values from a pre-defined list presented in a drop down window. Each item has a check box attached, and can display an icon and a caption. The control displays the items that are a bit combination of Value property.
DateType7 Provides an efficient way for selecting dates for a drop down calendar. The Value property specifies the date being selected.
MaskType8 You can use the Mask editor to enter any data that includes literals and requires a mask to filter characters during data input. The Value property specifies the text of the Mask control, and the Mask property determines the control's mask.
ColorType9 Provides an elegant way for selecting colors from a dropdown window. The Color drop down window contains two tabs the pallette tab shows a grid of colors, while the system tab shows the current windows color constants. The Value property specifies the color being selected.
FontType10 Presents the list of fonts into a drop down window. Each item into the drop down window has a preview image for the font selected. The Value property specifies the name of the font being selected.
PictureType11 Provides an elegant way for displaying fields of Picture type. The Picture data editor can display embedded images stored in OLE Object fields. The Value property specifies the OLE object, as they are passed from a recordset, or a Picture object.
ButtonType12 Associates single button to a mask edit control. The Value property determines the caption of the mask control.
ProgressBarType13 Displays your value using a progress bar style. The  Value property specifies the value being displayed as %.
PickEditType14 Provides an intuitive interface for your users to select values from pre-defined lists presented in a drop-down window. Each item can have an icon associated. Use the AddItem method to add new items in the control's predefined list. The control displays the caption of the item that has the value equal with the Value property. If the control cannot find an item with specified value, nothing is displayed.
LinkEditType15 Allows your application to edit and display hyperlink addresses. The  Value property specifies the hyperlink address being displayed.
ColorListType16 The editor hosts a predefined list of colors. By default. the following colors are added: Black, White, Dark Red, Dark Green, Dark Yellow, Dark Blue, Dark Magenta, Dark Cyan, Light Grey, Dark Grey, Red, Green, Yellow, Blue, Magenta, Cyan. The AddItem method adds new colors to the editor . The  Value property specifies the color being selected.