method Edit.NextBookmark ()
Moves the cursor to the next bookmark.


Use the NextBookmark method to move the cursor to the next bookmark. Use the PrevBookmark method to move the cursor to the prior bookmark. Use the Bookmark property to bookmark a line by code. Use the BookmarkList property to get the list of lines that have bookmarks. Use the CaretLine property to specify the current line. 

For instance, the following VB sample moves the cursor to next bookmark when the user presses the F8 key:

Private Sub Edit1_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
    If vbKeyF8 = KeyCode Then
    End If
End Sub

The following C++ sample moves the cursor to the next bookmark when the user presses the F8 key:

void OnKeyDownEdit1(short FAR* KeyCode, short Shift) 
	if ( *KeyCode == VK_F8 )

The following VB.NET sample moves the cursor to the next bookmark when the user presses the F8 key:

Private Sub AxEdit1_KeyDownEvent(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As AxEXEDITLib._IEditEvents_KeyDownEvent) Handles AxEdit1.KeyDownEvent
    If (Convert.ToInt32(e.keyCode) = Convert.ToInt32(Keys.F8)) Then
    End If
End Sub

The following C# sample moves the cursor to the next bookmark when the user presses the F8 key:

private void axEdit1_KeyDownEvent(object sender, AxEXEDITLib._IEditEvents_KeyDownEvent e)
	if (Convert.ToInt32(e.keyCode) == Convert.ToInt32(Keys.F8))

The following VFP sample moves the cursor to the next bookmark when the user presses the F8 key:

*** ActiveX Control Event ***
LPARAMETERS keycode, shift

if ( keycode = 119 ) && F8