Dialog object
Tip The /COM object can be placed on a HTML page (with usage of the HTML object tag:  <object classid="clsid:...">)  using the class identifier: {2775B67A-6CFC-4ADC-9E73-A7CA6CAA2844}. The object's program identifier is: "Exontrol.Dialog". The /COM object module is: "ExDialog.dll"
The Dialog object associates a picture to a form. The object supports the following properties and methods: 

AlignmentAligns the control's caption.
AttachAttaches the control to the container.
BackColorRetrieves or sets the control's background color.
BorderBottomRetrieves or sets the size in pixels of the border on the bottom side.
BorderLeftRetrieves or sets the size in pixels of the border on the left side.
BorderRightRetrieves or sets the size in pixels of the border on the right side.
BorderTopRetrieves or sets the size in pixels of the border on the up side.
CaptionRetrieves or sets the control's caption.
CaptionFormatSpecifies whether the control's caption displays data using HTML format.
ContinueContinues the gesture/animation.
DettachDetaches the control.
EnabledRetrieves or sets a value indicating whether the control is visible or hidden.
FontRetrieves or sets the control's font.
ForeColorRetrieves or sets the control's foreground color.
HAnchorRetrieves or sets a value that indicates how the control is horizontally anchored.
HAnchorOffsetRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the horizontally offset of the agent control.
HCaptionOffsetRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the horizontally offset of the agent's caption.
HTMLPictureAdds or replaces a picture in HTML captions.
hWndRetrieves the control's window handle.
OnClickRetrieves or sets a value that indicates what the action that control takes when the user clicks on the control.
PictureRetrieves or sets the control's picture.
PictureHeightRetrieves the picture's height.
PictureWidthRetrieves the picture's width.
PlayPlays a gesture/animation from giving agent file.
RefreshRefreshes the control.
ReplayReplays the gesture/animation.
StopStops the gesture/animation.
TopMostPlaces the control above all non-topmost windows.
TransparencyRetrieves or sets a value that indicates whether the control allows transparency.
TransparentFromRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the starting transparent color.
TransparentToRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the ending transparent color.
VAlignmentAligns vertically the control's caption.
VAnchorRetrieves or sets a value that indicates how the control is vertically anchored.
VAnchorOffsetRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the vertically offset of the agent control.
VCaptionOffsetRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the vertically offset of the agent's caption.
VersionRetrieves the control's version.