property ComboBox.CloseOnDblClk as Boolean

Specifies whether the user closes the drop down window by dbl click.

Boolean A boolean expression that indicates whether the user closes the drop down window by dbl click or by simple click.

By default, the CloseOnDblClk property is False. Use the CloseOnDblClk property to specify whether the user closes the drop down portion of the control by double clicks an item. Use the CloseOnClick property to specify whether the user closes the drop down portion of the control when an item is clicked. The control fires the SelectionChanged event when the user clicks a new item. The control fires the DblClick event when user double clicks an item. The CloseOnDblClk property has effect only if the Style property is DropDown or DropDownList. The CloseOnClick property is set on False, if the CloseOnDblClk property is set on True.