View object
The View object supports the following properties and methods:

ActiveViewGets the active view.
AllowGroupByIndicates whether the view supports Group-By view.
AllowSelectNothingSpecifies whether the current selection is erased, once the user clicks outside of the items section.
ApplyFilterApplies the filter.
AutoDragGets or sets a value that indicates the way the component supports the AutoDrag feature.
AutoSearchEnables or disables the incremental searching feature.
BeginUpdateMaintains performance when items are added to the view one at a time. This method prevents the view from painting until the EndUpdate method is called.
CheckImageRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the image used by cells of checkbox type.
ChildViewGets the child view ( next ).
ClearFilterClears the filter.
ColumnAutoResizeReturns or sets a value indicating whether the view will automatically size its visible columns to fit on the view's client width.
ColumnsRetrieves the control's column collection.
ColumnsAllowSizingRetrieves or sets a value that indicates whether a user can resize columns at run-time.
ConditionalFormatsRetrieves the conditional formatting collection.
ContinueColumnScrollRetrieves or sets a value indicating whether the view will automatically scroll the visible columns by pixel or by column width.
CopyToExports the view's view to an EMF file.
CountLockedColumnsRetrieves or sets a value indicating the number of locked columns. A locked column is not scrollable.
DataSourceSpecifies the control's data as an array, XML, ADO or DAO.
DefaultItemHeightRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the default item height.
DrawGridLinesRetrieves or sets a value that indicates whether the grid lines are visible or hidden.
EndUpdateResumes painting the view after painting is suspended by the BeginUpdate method.
EnsureOnSortSpecifies whether the view ensures that the focused item fits the view's client area, when the user sorts the items.
EnsureVisibleColumnScrolls the view's content to ensure that the column fits the client area.
ExpandOnDblClickSpecifies whether the item is expanded or collapsed if the user dbl clicks the item.
ExpandOnKeysSpecifies a value that indicates whether the view expands or collapses a node when user presses arrow keys.
ExpandOnSearchExpands items automatically while user types characters to search for a specific item.
ExportExports the view's data to a CSV format.
FilterBarCaptionSpecifies the filter bar's caption.
FilterBarDropDownHeightSpecifies the height of the drop down filter window proportionally with the height of the view's list.
FilterBarHeightSpecifies the height of the view's filter bar. If the value is less than 0, the filterbar is automatically resized to fit its description.
FilterBarPromptSpecifies the caption to be displayed when the filter pattern is missing.
FilterBarPromptColumnsSpecifies the list of columns to be used when filtering using the prompt.
FilterBarPromptPatternSpecifies the pattern for the filter prompt.
FilterBarPromptTypeSpecifies the type of the filter prompt.
FilterBarPromptVisibleShows or hides the filter prompt.
FilterCriteriaRetrieves or sets the filter criteria.
FilterIncludeSpecifies the items being included after the user applies the filter.
FirstViewGets the first view.
FullRowSelectEnables full-row selection in the view.
GetItemsGets the collection of items into a safe array,
GridLineColorSpecifies the grid line color.
GridLineStyleSpecifies the style for gridlines in the list part of the view.
GroupForces the view to do a regrouping of the columns.
HasButtonsAdds a button to the left side of each parent item. The user can click the button to expand or collapse the child items as an alternative to double-clicking the parent item.
HasLinesEnhances the graphic representation of a grid control's hierarchy by drawing lines that link child items to their corresponding parent item.
HeaderAppearanceRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the header's appearance.
HeaderHeightRetrieves or sets a value indicating the view's header height.
HeaderSingleLineSpecifies whether the view resizes the columns header and wraps the captions in single or multiple lines.
HeaderVisibleRetrieves or sets a value that indicates whether the the grid's header is visible or hidden.
HideSelectionReturns a value that determines whether selected item appears highlighted when a control loses the focus.
hWndRetrieves the view's window handle.
IndentRetrieves or sets the amount, in pixels, that child items are indented relative to their parent items.
IndexIndicates the index of the view.
IsGroupingIndicates whether the view is grouping the items.
ItemsRetrieves the control's item collection.
ItemsAllowSizingRetrieves or sets a value that indicates whether a user can resize items at run-time.
KeySpecifies the index or the caption of the column that determines the key of the view.
LastViewGets the last view.
LevelIndicates the split level of the view.
LinesAtRootLink items at the root of the hierarchy.
MarkSearchColumnRetrieves or sets a value that indicates whether the searching column is marked or unmarked
NameSpecifies the index or the caption of the column that determines the name of the view.
NextViewGets the next view ( child ).
ParentViewGets the parent view ( previously ).
PrevViewGets the previously view ( parent ).
RadioImageRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the image used by cells of radio type.
RemoveSelectionRemoves the selected items (including the descendents)
RightToLeftIndicates whether the component should draw right-to-left for RTL languages.
ScrollScrolls the view's content.
ScrollBarsReturns or sets a value that determines whether the view has horizontal and/or vertical scroll bars.
ScrollBySingleLineRetrieves or sets a value that indicates whether the view scrolls the lines to the end. If you have at least a cell that has SingleLine false, you have to check the ScrollBySingleLine property..
ScrollPosSpecifies the vertical/horizontal scroll position.
SearchColumnIndexRetrieves or sets a value indicating the column's index that is used for auto search feature.
SelBackModeRetrieves or sets a value that indicates whether the selection is transparent or opaque.
SelectSelects the path
SelectColumnIndexRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the index of the selected column, if the FullRowSelect property is False.
SelectOnReleaseIndicates whether the selection occurs when the user releases the mouse button.
ShowFocusRectRetrieves or sets a value indicating whether the view draws a thin rectangle around the focused item.
ShowLockedItemsRetrieves or sets a value that indicates whether the locked/fixed items are visible or hidden.
SingleSelRetrieves or sets a value that indicates whether the view supports single or multiple selection.
SingleSortReturns or sets a value that indicates whether the view supports sorting by single or multiple columns.
SortBarCaptionSpecifies the caption being displayed on the view's sort bar when the sort bar contains no columns.
SortBarColumnWidthSpecifies the maximum width a column can be in the view's sort bar.
SortBarHeightRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the height of the view's sort bar.
SortBarVisibleRetrieves or sets a value that indicates whether control's sort bar is visible or hidden.
SortOnClickRetrieves or sets a value that indicates whether the view sorts automatically the data when the user click on column's caption.
TagSpecifies any extra data associated with the view.
TreeColumnIndexRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the index of column where the hierarchy lines are displayed.
UngroupUngroups the columns, if they have been previously grouped.
ValueIndicates the value of the single active item on the specified column.
ValueListReturns the list of values for all selected / active items in the view, on the specified column, separated by comma.
ValuesReturns a safe array with all values of selected / active items in the view, on the specified column.
ViewGets the view giving its index or tag.
WidthSpecifies the width of the view.
WidthToFitSpecifies the width of the view.