property Items.SelectCount as Long

Counts the number of items that are selected in the control.

Long A long expression that identifies the number of selected items.

The SelectCount property counts the selected items in the control. The control supports single or multiple selection. Use SingleSel property of the control to enable multiple selection. Use the SelectedItem property to retrieve the handle of the selected item(s). Use the SelBackColor property to indicate the background color for selected items. Use the SelForeColor property to specify the foreground color for selected items. The FocusItem property specifies the handle of the focused item. For instance, if the control supports single selection the FocusItem property retrieves the handle of the selected item too. Use the FullRowSelect property to specify how the user can select the cells or items using the mouse. Use the SelectItem property to programmatically select an item giving its handle. The control fires the ViewStartChanging(exSelectionChange) / ViewEndChanging(exSelectionChange) event when user changes the selection in the control. Use the SelectableItem property to specify whether the user can select an item.