constants HitTestInfoEnum
The HitTestInfoEnum expression defines the hit area within a cell. Use the ViewItemFromPoint property to determine the hit test code within the cell.

exHTCell0 In the cell's client area.
exHTExpandButton1 In the +/- button associated with a cell. The HasButtons property specifies whether the cell displays a +/- sign to let user expands the item.
exHTCellIndent2 In the indentation associated with a cell. The Indent property retrieves or sets the amount, in pixels, that child items are indented relative to their parent items.
exHTCellInside4 On the icon, picture, check or caption associated with a cell.
exHTCellCaption20 (HEXA 14) In the caption associated with a cell. The CellValue property specifies the cell's value.
exHTCellCheck36 (HEXA 24) In the check/radio button associated with a cell. The CellHasCheckBox or CellHasRadioButton property specifies whether the cell displays a checkbox or a radio button.
exHTCellIcon68 HEXA 44) In first icon associated with a cell. The CellImage or CellImages property specifies the cell's icon displayed next to the cell's caption.
exHTCellPicture132 (HEXA 84). In a picture associated to a cell.
exHTCellCaptionIcon1044 (HEXA 414) In the icon's area inside the cell's caption. The <img> tag inserts an icon inside the cell's caption. The <img> tag is valid only if the CellValueFormat property exHTML
exHTBottomHalf2048 (HEXA 800) The cursor is in the bottom half of the row. If this flag is not set, the cursor is in the top half of the row. This is an OR combination with the rest of predefined values. For instance, you can check if the cursor is in the bottom half of the row using HitTestCode AND 0x800
exHTBetween4096 The cursor is between two rows. This is an OR combination with the rest of predefined values. For instance, you can check if the cursor is between two items using HitTestCode AND 0x1000