constants CascadeModeEnum
The CascadeModeEnum type specifies the modes the control supports. The Mode property indicates the mode the control displays the cascade columns. The CascadeModeEnum type supports the following values:

exFixCascadeMode0 Each cascade column can be displayed with a different width. The DefColumnWidth property specifies the width to create a new cascade column.
exSingleCascadeMode1 No cascade columns support.
exSplitEqualCascadeMode2 The cascade column fits equally the control's client area. The FitCascadeColumns property retrieves or sets a value that indicates the number of cascading columns to fit.
exSplitFixCascadeMode3 The cascade column fits equally the control's client area. The FitCascadeColumns property retrieves or sets a value that indicates the number of cascading columns to fit.
exDisableResizeCascadeColumns256 The user can't resize the cascade columns.
exAutoFitOnResizeClient512 Each cascade column gets resized as soon as the control gets resized.